Apps & Software
My thoughts on these specific applications:
Transparent Languages - Great for teachers and vocabulary. I like the pronunciation assessment piece. Not a lot of content but you can create your own lessons.
clozemaster - No frills website, very challenging exercises...
lingualift - Their website claims it's for serious learners. And they also claim that if you aren't serious you should use Duolingo. A little aggressive but I’ll allow it. Only available for Hebrew, Japanese and Russian.
Anki - This is like a vocabulary/flashcard site. I've heard of this site before. I read this book once (I think it's called Forever Fluent) and the author talks about his method for language learning and I remember he recommended this app. You'd have to come up with lists of vocab though and enter it yourself
Busuu - This actually goes fairly advanced and you can earn a certificate for level B2 (upper intermediate). Not too expensive at $3/month.
yabla - Videos with comprehension exercises. Can get quite advanced. I've used some of them in class before but I never had a premium account.
Babbel - great for beginners
Fluenz - lots of good reviews, you get a dedicated tutor, too.
memrise - great for beginners
mondly - great for beginners
Drops - $60/year - great for beginners
Duolingo - Great for beginners and for classroom enrichment, and gamifying learning.
BBC's La Mappa Misteriosa - Fun adventure series no longer managed by BBC. Videos available but interactivity and games no longer function. I have created questions and answers for each episode that I would be happy to share. There are also other series for Italian, Spanish and other languages at the parent site.
LingoKids - For the little ones, to learn English.
Other apps and sites:
Open English
Rosetta Stone
Rocket Languages
Tell Me More
Instant Immersion
Learn to Speak
Muzzy BBC
Speed Learning Languages
Michel Thomas
These include pronunciation assessment:
Rosetta Stone
Transparent Languages
To develop speech recognition and pronunciation practice: